Some of my forecasts

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Well-Known Member

Any thing about religion makes me ////// . Why?

To many wars around about religions and this for certain reasons.

But as you post:

You are absolutely right about the effort which is made to build up this thread.

So lets move back to the productive side of the thread, forget about religions and I am sorry from my side to post on religion. ( Was on the move to deleted the post as I already thought it is very direct and then I saw, that you already have commented on it)
Dan, it's no problem. I sent you a PM.

I will say this one thing openly. I've enjoyed my freedom in this forum and all the respect from everyone. It's hard to express how much I enjoy it here.
As friends, I mentioned other things, but I will say the day they are successful at deleting that post, I'm out of here. Do not forget, this thread like others was taken for a ride for 7 pages of plain rhetoric. Check it out! (IT still was no big deal.) We're 69 posts behind on the subject of what I recently posted. (Don't get excited. We're getting back to trading ASAP.)

Too many wars? That's right! That's exactly why my post had nothing to do with religion. I won't get into here, but PM me anytime anybody wants to. I'd love to talk to you!

I'm sure we're all still friends, I feel better. I did say it would not be until 11:30pm IST that I would be back. I got back a little earlier than I thought.


Any thing about religion makes me ////// . Why?

To many wars around about religions and this for certain reasons.

But as you post:

You are absolutely right about the effort which is made to build up this thread.

So lets move back to the productive side of the thread, forget about religions and I am sorry from my side to post on religion. ( Was on the move to deleted the post as I already thought it is very direct and then I saw, that you already have commented on it)

This forum is not about religion and you not even should think to post any thing about it.


You are good in what you post and stay with that. You are great with that and please stay neutral to any religion and stop trying to give any comments on such stupid subjects in trading.

Thank you

"This forum is not about religion and you not even should think to post any thing about it.
""You are good in what you post and stay with that. You are great with that and please stay neutral to any religion and stop trying to give any comments on such stupid subjects in trading."""

I hate it when such senior members with top reputation comment such irrelevant things which makes no sense resulting in conflicts ..Danpickup That was very rude sir You should have read the full previous post before Ranting . He was not talking about any religion, Paul sir was talking about a play that he was going to perform at night .He was only addressing me to the character of the play that we was going to play "be it anyone". So where does the religion comes in between ?Paul sir is a very senior member over here with great conscience . He never spoke anything on religion for or against and I can't imagine him doing such a thing.. and I agree with hills so please kindly delete your post
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Raj, I don't mean to stand up on a platform and take my bows, but I'll still make a point.
There is a reason my Weekly Forecasts (I hope you have been reading them.) are as accurate as they are. I've had one really bad week all year. My Weekly Forecasts, which revolves around the entirety of my methodology, forces me to be accountable each week for everything I say about a market. The methodology, itself, revolves around something much more than price action, or price momentum, or OB/OS conditions, or chart patterns, or candle formations, or _____ (You fill in that blank.). It takes in the total picture.

Also, please note that of late, I've broken a few things down into microcosms. I've been posting my daily picks based solely on OB/OS conditions using one TF at a time.
I've also started to get into my MT forecasts. I'm going to also give an update on those. This is just another aspect of the total picture the methodology takes in.
In other words, I'm not going to give a few forecasts, then run and hide later on.

The point I try to make is to make sure your (blanket statement) trading system is catered to you, is personal, and it involves more than just one aspect of the market. If that is the case, then it no longer becomes something of high probability, but now it is something of a HCR (High Confidence Ratio).

The difference is this. I got a dice game that I play with my grandchildren that I invented, and that my own kids still loves to play. The odds of me winning against the grandchildren could be tilted in my way, but there is never a high confidence in winning. It is only based on probabilities at the time. If I'm playing with my real money and my career is at stake, I don't like messing with mere probability. If it is just a game, then probability is okay.
Look at it from a trader's point of view. Let's say I get 2 rolls for every one of my grandchildren's. Let's say I give myself a loaded pair of dice. As I would add each of these factors to our game in favor of me, it goes merely from probability to a very high confidence that I am going to win.
Someone might say, "That is cheating!" Of course it is! I also look for every advantage I can against the markets. I don't want to play fair. The markets are much bigger than me to begin with. They already started with a distinct advantage, which is why it took so long of paying the price to master my trading. Therefore, I am sill seeking every advantage possible over the markets that I can.
What kind of advantage would I have over my grandchildren if I simply stripped them of the dice and said you cannot use any dice. I would say my confidence has hit its zenith that I am going to win. Use that as a metaphor on the markets.
BTW, I don't cheat with my grandchildren, which is why they beat me a lot in our game.
Ofcourse I do read your weekly forecasts and try to grab as much information as I possibly can to understand the market in a broader perspective. It directs me to look at something that I have missed. I combine my analysis and use the missing gaps to plan my entries.

I still feel it is based on a probability, high confidence comes with a best winning ratio. I have a good (not best) winning ratio not because of my perfect entries/ plan (coz I still call it a probability) but due to other factors like money management & game plan (re-adjustment and re-evaluation). I take it at as a set of combined approach. We may use different terminology

After entering a trade, You may be on the opposite side but one need to have a proper plan to get out of it in a positive side. I am thankful to the knowledge that you keep passing it to us. Your forecasts are very helpful but trading based on ur forecast is not easy job to do. One can use it wisely without spending too much or finding missing gaps.

Yep u have started to provide more details based on OB/ OS on a daily timeframe. That is really good. You talk about lot of pairs, I just wonder that how u manage to follow so many.



Well-Known Member

Any thing about religion makes me ////// . Why?

To many wars around about religions and this for certain reasons.

But as you post:

You are absolutely right about the effort which is made to build up this thread.

So lets move back to the productive side of the thread, forget about religions and I am sorry from my side to post on religion. ( Was on the move to deleted the post as I already thought it is very direct and then I saw, that you already have commented on it)
Thank you Dan, let us share some light moments and be grateful for the selfless people are giving services here. I know you also help many. I have reced options books from u by e mail. Thank you bro, let us together better our lives.
Raj, my statements were meant more as the blanket type.
I don't publish the Weekly Forecast for anyone to copy my trades, but after all the time of doing so, it shows trading revolves around more than probability. Respectfully, I would say if you view your trading more in terms of probability, I wouldn't agree or disagree with you. Your successful as a trader, I am too, and that is the bottom line.

As far as following the many pairs that I do, it's really more systematic than anything:
The 11 pairs in my WF are the main ones I use for trading, and there are about 3-4 of them that are on the radar each week to place a trade on. Those 3-4 are followed closely, while the others are still followed with occasional cursory glances.
The other 17 pairs I follow just by checking quickly the charts to see if there is anything I see on the fly. After a few years of doing this, there is much I can see in a chart that I could not spot as quickly 5-7 years ago.
All the other markets are followed just for the sheer pleasure of providing my analysis on. I enjoy it, and it keeps my skills sharp in forecasting other markets.

Ofcourse I do read your weekly forecasts and try to grab as much information as I possibly can to understand the market in a broader perspective. It directs me to look at something that I have missed. I combine my analysis and use the missing gaps to plan my entries.

I still feel it is based on a probability, high confidence comes with a best winning ratio. I have a good (not best) winning ratio not because of my perfect entries/ plan (coz I still call it a probability) but due to other factors like money management & game plan (re-adjustment and re-evaluation). I take it at as a set of combined approach. We may use different terminology

After entering a trade, You may be on the opposite side but one need to have a proper plan to get out of it in a positive side. I am thankful to the knowledge that you keep passing it to us. Your forecasts are very helpful but trading based on ur forecast is not easy job to do. One can use it wisely without spending too much or finding missing gaps.

Yep u have started to provide more details based on OB/ OS on a daily timeframe. That is really good. You talk about lot of pairs, I just wonder that how u manage to follow so many.

Nanda I agree with you. Dan has made excellent contributions here in my thread. He has also been a good friend and I'm sure the friendship will continue.
This thread is set aside for forecasting and technical analysis and related talk. BY the same token, I would want to feel the liberty (and I do), and like others to feel the same liberty to bring something else up without feeling like they got put in a box.
Nifty50 Trends is one of my favorite threads in this forum. Look how many times that thread gets led off into no-man's land. Sudoku must have more patience than I have with as much unrelated stuff that gets talked about over there. That being said, the FA stuff, along with other stuff I don't like, so I skip over it. Same for this thread. If you like what you see, then stay subscribed, and when stuff comes up you don't like skip over it-- religion, FA's or whatever else we might not like.

Thank you Dan, let us share some light moments and be grateful for the selfless people are giving services here. I know you also help many. I have reced options books from u by e mail. Thank you bro, let us together better our lives.

This market is looking similar to Crude. 12303 has to contain for this week, or it is headed to 12580. If it contains, and we get a firm break of 11665, then the recent dip at 10402 gets challenged.
To begin this week, the WR1 at 12280 will be hit. After the bounce, it could continue to the MR1 at 12331 and the WR2 at 12372. The higher up it goes, the sharper the retreat to end the week will have to be.
There is little doubt the market will not get any lower than the WS2 at 12000.
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