Some of my forecasts

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The chart is clear in showing where the pair is headed over the next several days. The daily kijun and weekly tenken are both 1.3385. The pair has the potential to rise much higher than that, but it will enter an R zone that may cause the pair to go sideways. A firm break of 1.3530, then it would be off to the races again, but that a little too far away to tell as of now.
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Well-Known Member
Re: Report from the OB/OS FX Correlator

Current level could be it. A couple other levels to look for would be the WS3 at 1.3180 and 1.3150. The latter is absolute containment for the week. That level would have much more than hourly implications to it.

With regard to OB/OS single currencies, the euro is the most OS on every TF from the hourly up to the monthly, and it is #2 on the monthly.
My charts are also showing that 1.3150 could be the MT containment, before it gives way to a correction toward circa 1.3750.
Sir, would this mean that we will see the sub-1.3 levels only after we move north?

As per request:

The current move south the pair is getting ready to stage does not seem to be the real deal over the MT. Containment could end up being 5.5982 for the ST correction. There is potential for a move to 5.6714. If the pair gets that high, then get ready. This pair makes the GBP/NZD look like chop liver. It flies when it gets moving!
Ahh, now our conversation is starting to make even more sense.
There are many times I look at a market with "if, then" statements. Those are markets I either avoid or will trade with a small stop loss.

There are markets such as the NZD/CHF (which I'm holding) that I forecasted with surety. That is just the way things are at times, and why I refer to me making trades that has a high confidence ratio.

Which metals are you talking about?
I am referring to Gold/ Silver..
Got ur point on forecast that is with surety..
Going long on E/U with a tighter SL.

This market is in the middle of what it started in Sept '04 which is a downtrend that started at 1920. The recent bump of the weekly TL signaled the reversal back in the DOWN, and at this point, 1569 appears to be containment. A firm break of that level, then it is headed to the monthly kijun, currently at 1472, and then 1293.
This week's drop all the way to the WS3 at 1656 is something almost unprecedented, inasmuch that it took less than the 1st day of the week to complete.


Well-Known Member
Sir, what can be a good stop for the Eur/Aud and Aud/Chf - please.
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