Some of my forecasts

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T4J, I had to cheat and look at my own charts. I learned through married life to have eyes for no other--lol.

The initial view of the chart would seem to indicate it is ready to begin its ascent. I think what is about to happen is that the market will put in a minor effort to begin the UP, but will meet with strong R at 170.93. Afterward the return to the DOWN should take the market to the MS3 at 161.31. Having said that, there is enough room for the fall to take the market to 159.08.
There is a strong possibility the MS3 may not be hit before the month is out, so next month's new levels would need to be reviewed.
LT, what is ideal is to see the ascent back to 170.93 be choppy the rest of the year. If that is the case, then it will prepare the market for a drop to next year's YS1, and then prepare it for a year long ascent. If the year ends around 170.00, then my guess is the YS1 would be between 159 and 161.

Can you look at Natural gas chart & comments on S&R please?

So, nifty really reverted from the bottom of the green cloud. Like the previous 2 occassions, maybe it will come out on top of the red cloud, whenever it pierces the same.

Considering the parameters 5,20,40 for ichimoku as suggested by Linkon7, we see the price kissing bottom of the cloud. Maybe that is the containment for the time being. Also (maybe this is irrelevant, but still), in the past year, the candles haven't successfully crossed the green cloud from bottom.

Timepass, my chart showed the wick hitting the top of the cloud, but then our settings our different. It was at that point at Nifty50, I called for the reversal.

I think you trade Nifty. Did you cash in on your live account on that move?

So, nifty really reverted from the bottom of the green cloud. Like the previous 2 occassions, maybe it will come out on top of the red cloud, whenever it pierces the same.

Timepass, my chart showed the wick hitting the top of the cloud, but then our settings our different. It was at that point at Nifty50, I called for the reversal.

I think you trade Nifty. Did you cash in on your live account on that move?
The settings as explained by Linkon7 in this ichimoku thread appealed to me.

These days I watch nifty, but am not trading it; I am experimenting with a new toy - USDINR. So far I am finding it easier to trade this market. And you are so bad, Paulie. I did specifically ask you for USDINR, EURINR, JPYINR and GBPINR but you don't even look at them :( USDINR is easy, but I can't understand the moves of the other three.

I caught a good move from 52.36 to 54.04, still holding some longs despite the huge fall today :D
I looked for them, but could not find them, which is why I could not look at them, and I posted the fact I looked for them and why I could not look at them.
Ohhh, except USD/INR. Coming up. Just for Timepass. Weeklies and all.

The settings as explained by Linkon7 in this ichimoku thread appealed to me.

These days I watch nifty, but am not trading it; I am experimenting with a new toy - USDINR. So far I am finding it easier to trade this market. And you are so bad, Paulie. I did specifically ask you for USDINR, EURINR, JPYINR and GBPINR but you don't even look at them :( USDINR is easy, but I can't understand the moves of the other three.

I caught a good move from 52.36 to 54.04, still holding some longs despite the huge fall today :D

USD/INR 55.21 54.02 53.30 51.86 51.14 49.95

The return to the trip south has most likely just begun. 52.04 will mark initial support, but key is 51.86. If the is broken, it will be marked by a huge intraday move. If the recent huge drop did not signal the return to the DOWN a break of 51.86 most certainly will. That would clear the path for 50.83 and then 49.01.
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