Hi Floyd,
Chaitanya has already replied to some of your queries. But Let me answer all of your questions so that this may be useful to other members who would be reading this thread for the first time.
Would sincerely appreciate if you and Anant could lend a helping hand to me to cope up with all that has been happening on this thread.
I have downloaded a couple of afl's and am a bit confused about which to use and when.
With a little bit of handholding i should be able to get up and run.
For instance i have downloaded the following AFL's:
1 - SingleMA by Anant
2 - SG's MA Crossover Trading by Kenneth
3 - Modified_Single_MA by Anant
4 - Updater by Anant - AFL as well as the word document file.
Have also read through the Updater word documents and have understood its contents.
Would like to place my sincere thanks to Anant for taking the efforts on that word document.
I am a big fan of Karthikmarar and did not know till now that Anant was associated with him all these years until i read his self intro on this thread.
My queries are as follows:
a. Which one of the above should i be using for day to day analysis.
b. Should i be using it as a chart by plotting it on Amibroker or should i just be using the above afl's as a scanner/explorer?
c. I tried backtesting the above afl's based on the triggers posted on the blog and observed that the above afl's shot out many more scrips than what was posted as buy or sell for that particular date - so my question is any further filters to be used to reduce the number of scrips shortlisted?
d. The AFL by Kenneth has a couple of other columns when it was run in exploration mode - Any tips on how the same needs to be interpretted.
Sorry to bother you all with so many questions at one go but as written earlier am trying to catch up with you all (but would definitely put that additional effort of going through all the posts atleast once to satisfy myself).
Lastly, do we get precisely the same shortlisted candidates by using the above AFL's as per SG's daily postings?
Do we need to use any discretion while screening the scrips that the afl's throw to us?
What attracted me the most in the thread is that it gives me an opportunity of moving from a discretionary based form of trading to a rule based trading system/trading platform - this will help me to become more disciplined and consistent as - (I am a really bad trader)
The main thread was started by Savant and later Chapter II also was started by him in order to keep the triggers and their follow up in one place and all related discussions in another place so that the continuity in triggers and follow up was retained.
Savant gives triggers based on different strategies. There is no AFL by him but Ken has made an AFL incorporating all those strategies in one. Savant mainly gives triggers based on:
1) Cross-over of 20 day and 50 day simple moving averages.
2) Cross-over of 5 and 6 day moving averages coupled with Bollinger band piercing.
3) Different types of break outs
4) New highs made
The triggers based on 20/50 SMA cross-over have Buy price, Targets and Stoploss mentioned by him. Others have only entry and stoploss figures. The 20/50 SMA cross-over triggers are valid for short to medium term. The others are for short term. In addition, occasiuonally he gives some triggers based on market conditions/important events which are valid for a day or couple of days. All these are for Cash market.
For Futures and options there is a different thread by him. Intra-day strategies are also discussed in another thread.
The updates of 20/50 SMA are being posted by Uma while Savant himself gives updates for other triggers. I post my own updates.
If you want to do your own analysis you have to read through the posts and understand each strategy separately and follow any of them which suits you best. You may have to write your own AFL.
I have followed a single MA cross-over. Initially I started with 20 day SMA and later found 20 day Wilders MA a bit better. The modified SMA method is based on Wilders MA. Except for the MA the other criteria are same in both. In a nutshell: A BUY is triggered when at least 70% of the candle is above the SMA line and the close is also above the SMA. A SELL is triggered when the whole candle is below the SMA line. A trailing stoploss is always followed which is equal to higher of most recent trough or the lowest low in past 5-days. When the close is below the TSL EXIT. There will be some occasional exceptions which you will learn with experience.
Savant and I follow the same calculation for target and initial stop loss. When the target is reached the new target is calculated by the same method.
Target is equal to twice the high of the candle which triggers BUY minus the most recent trough. The buying takes place on the next trading day. The entry is taken only if the price reaches or exceeds previous day's high (high of the candle which generated the BUY signal). If the price does not break this threshold, postpone the buying to next day. In this case the threshold will be previous days high (not the triggere day high). The exact buying price depends on how you excute the trade.
For targets or exiting a trade due to stoploss you have to look at the day's closing price. Intra-day high/low price which are outside the target or Stoploss are not considered.
When target is reached, you may exit completely or partially or may continue with the whole position intact. The new target is calculated taking the high of the day when target is reached and follwing the calculation as above.
For getting the triggers you have to run the AFL in exploration. You may ckeck the resulting triggers on charts for a better decision.
As Kenneth's AFL has various strategies in one AFL, you get several columns in the results. You have to filter out manually depending on which triggers you want to follow.
The updater AFL is only for keeping track of the triggers on day-to-day basis. It is mainly for follow-up action.
When you back-tested the AFL you might have run it on all the stocks. Therefore, you get a large number of triggers. All the stocks on the Stock exchange are not worth trading. There will be many illiquid stocks, penny stocks, very low volume and scantily traded stocks etc. Therefore, I have shortlisted them and selected about 300 stocks for daily trigger generation. These shortlisted stocks are those which are regularly traded, which have a combined daily turn-over of more than 85% of total turnover on the exchange and also have a combined volume of more than 85% of the total volume traded. The list can be downloaded by following the link given in the first post of Chapter-II.
Based on your afl got HDFC figures/triggers for todays trades.
But did not understand how you arrived at the buy price of 2480.75 in the excel sheet.
Am new to this thread so forgive my ignorance.
I thought we need to go long based on yesterdays high as a matter of safety and as a trading strategy - am i missing something.
Please share with me the trading strategy as i seem to have got it all wrong.
Also, do we restrict ourselves to only a predecided set of stocks/watchlist on which we run the afl? I seem to be getting a lot more number of stocks based on today's eod run of the afl.
The updated Excel file does not contain real trades executed by me. So I will not be in a position to give an exact buying price. So, I have taken the average price of Open and Close on the day of trading. This way I will be close to the real buying price. I may take the average of high and low also, but there are occasions when the high or low is unusually high/low and may be a single trade with that price whereas the mean of open and close will be more realistic.
The other questions have already been answered above.
I pray you don't request SG to ban me from this thread for making too many demands.
This time around requesting you to provide us with an AFL if you have developed one or a solution/advise i.e. - something sort of an extension of your
Modfied MA (Wilders) with parameters set for picking stocks in real time (intraday) only for those stocks for which the triggers are generated the
previous day as per your daily updates.
The objective is not to indulge in intraday trades but to pick the recommended stock at the lowest possible price the next day of the trigger.
To elaborate further just trying to be as mechanical as possible - as have the bad habit of chasing stocks, using discretion, being psyched all
qualities of a bad newbie trader could be due to gap ups gap down or any such reason
Intend to use the AFL purely for trying and entering into a long position at the lowest possible price for that next trading day after which the signal
is generated.
There is no strategy for intraday based on EOD prices of previous day. You may follow the intra-day thread but I don't know how much it will help to buy for buy and hold strategy. You may have to decide it on your own to arrive at the purchase price. As these EOD strategies are for short and medium term holding, the exact buying and selling price will have little effect on overall profit/loss.
Usually the buy/sell prices will be predetemined when a signal is generated. What I mean is, if I get a trigger today, then I will decide some price for tomorrow's trade. By experience you will learn to expect the next day's trading price. To start with, you may take an entry or exit the stock atleast half-an-hour after the market opens. Later on you can refine your entry and exits.