The Survivors!!

Not open for further replies. 2 in french n white....i lv my beard , bt i think v shud nt keep attachments fr anything in life so dat losing dat thing nevr land us in painful situation...thoug i think xpectation is reasnbly a better option over attachment:)
Nice....hope to meet up some day..... yes,agreed totally.:)


Active Member
Welcome back Saint. Thanks for teaching us how to fish. Hope many members learnt the art of fishing from you.

We badly need your help now as we find only sharks and wales in the trading sea which we couldn't catch using our fishing rod.

Teach us how to survive and also catch this wales and sharks
Many newbies like me only watch the yesterday gap ups and board the bus at yesterday's high hopping of going higher. Today we might have averaged at different points and finally all yesterdays gain is lost, do a panic exit near todays low.

PS. This time I didn't to this (Finally Learnt my Lesson!!! ). But just watched both Gap Up and the fall
Emil..... actually when the Teach a Man thread was started,it was with the hope that everyone back then could understand the basics before they get into advanced stuff.But got stuck at the basics....Realised that a Deeper understanding of the Basics was enough to make great profits,and for greater profits,an even more deeper understanding,with the guts to execute that understanding............So dropped getting higher to get deeper in a way.... :D

There are many things you will see off your charts,emil,with just the basic understanding without anything fancy and without some super system .... we will get there slowly... :)


Well-Known Member
Come on sir, would you hire a driver BEFORE purchasing a car?

Or buy a mattress BEFORE you have finalised a new home?

First you need a system. You need to take a few hundred trades. This brings out the problems in both you as well as your system.

THEN the traits mentioned by you make a difference.

3 saal ke bacche ko shaadi ke liye ladki dikhane ka kya matlab hai :)
Almost all of us have the "OLD MODELS" here, a few even have the latest Models, and we we need to 're-learn' how to drive it better and more economically !
Home we have, mattress we have, just looking for the Most proper place to place it !
Its not about a 3 year old getting married, its counselling for the person married for 3 years ! :p
do let me know when you are out driving, i will stay at home.

as for the mattress, the best place is neighbours home when he is not around. if you get stopped out, make sure there is a window in the room. if you are on a higher floor consider investing in a parachute.
Welcome back Saint. Thanks for teaching us how to fish. Hope many members learnt the art of fishing from you.

We badly need your help now as we find only sharks and wales in the trading sea which we couldn't catch using our fishing rod.

Teach us how to survive and also catch this wales and sharks
That is what I said about the different weapons yesterday.....sorry Sumo,my man,I have to say it again.....

Emil,yes,a fsihing rod to catch the smaller need something more to catch the bigger ones......and that verily is why Trader Knowledge is so very important.

Important to know from the very beginning.........It is not that you LEARN how to TRADE,then start Trading ......It is a Continuous ,Never Ending Process Of Learning and getting deeper,and therefore the convictions grow,and with it the guts to have the discipline and to execute that plan.....Trading without Learning after just learning how to use a fishing rod is good enough,but stick to the small fish,run away when anything else comes your way.....Learning without Trading makes you a Professor,an academician,No use.....Trading with Learning about the various market scenarios and how to deal with them equips you to deal with the various situations.....and very importantly,what to use when.....

Slowly,Emil,one baby step at a time....


Well-Known Member
Almost all of us have the "OLD MODELS" here, a few even have the latest Models, and we we need to 're-learn' how to drive it better and more economically !
Home we have, mattress we have, just looking for the Most proper place to place it !
Its not about a 3 year old getting married, its counselling for the person married for 3 years ! :p
Ha ha....
Its a chicken or egg circle.......keep on finding which one comes first.
By the way I need both egg and chicken for my breakfast and lunch.
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