The Survivors!!

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That is what I said about the different weapons yesterday.....sorry Sumo,my man,I have to say it again.....

Emil,yes,a fsihing rod to catch the smaller need something more to catch the bigger ones......and that verily is why Trader Knowledge is so very important.

Important to know from the very beginning.........It is not that you LEARN how to TRADE,then start Trading ......It is a Continuous ,Never Ending Process Of Learning and getting deeper,and therefore the convictions grow,and with it the guts to have the discipline and to execute that plan.....Trading without Learning after just learning how to use a fishing rod is good enough,but stick to the small fish,run away when anything else comes your way.....Learning without Trading makes you a Professor,an academician,No use.....Trading with Learning about the various market scenarios and how to deal with them equips you to deal with the various situations.....and very importantly,what to use when.....

Slowly,Emil,one baby step at a time....
Thanks Saint, for your kind message.

Yes, I'm taking my steps very slowly, catching only the small fish and hiding from Sharks
thus preserving my capital and building it very slowly.
I'm learning very slowly, so doing what I'm comfortable as of now. Don't have the guts to try out big catches.
Hope the consistent small catches will boost my moral and help me to get the safe big catches as well.

Special Thanks to all my TJ mentors
Thanks Saint, for your kind message.

Yes, I'm taking my steps very slowly, catching only the small fish and hiding from Sharks
thus preserving my capital and building it very slowly.
I'm learning very slowly, so doing what I'm comfortable as of now. Don't have the guts to try out big catches.
Hope the consistent small catches will boost my moral and help me to get the safe big catches as well.

Special Thanks to all my TJ mentors
Great going Emil :)
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