Trade Smart Online


Well-Known Member
It appears you are trying to use this feature with NEST. It is working fine at our end.

Please make sure to run NEST as well as Excel both with administrator rights. In case this does not work, please do share with us the error you are getting.
When I try to get in excel I get #N/A in all cells. When I try to access by a program I get msg
Nest.ScripRTD - IScripRTD object creation error. RTD Server down?
On apr 1, I did not have this problem.
RTD Server is not working. I am unable to get data in excel. I could not feed data and hence no trade.
It appears you are trying to use this feature with NEST. It is working fine at our end.

Please make sure to run NEST as well as Excel both with administrator rights. In case this does not work, please do share with us the error you are getting.
When I try to get in excel I get #N/A in all cells. When I try to access by a program I get msg
Nest.ScripRTD - IScripRTD object creation error. RTD Server down?
On apr 1, I did not have this problem.
Did you try logging out and logging in again to NEST?


Well-Known Member
Drear TSO,

Can you please explain the difference between "Net Available" and "Cash Margin Available" columns under RMS View Limit window ? And what is the CNC Sell Credit % Column?

Yes. Many times. Not only logging out and logging in, but also restarting laptop. It was working on April first, but not today.
Hello lvgandhi,
From your email to our support desk it seems it is working now and you are still facing issues with changing user preferences.

Are you sure you are running it as an administrator? The user settings issue sounds like the program is unable to modify the user settings file.
Drear TSO,

Can you please explain the difference between "Net Available" and "Cash Margin Available" columns under RMS View Limit window ? And what is the CNC Sell Credit % Column?

Net Available is the column where in all your funds will be seen[(Cash Margin+Adhoc Margin+Payin+Notional Amount) - (Margin Used+Payout)] as in how much you can use for trading

Cash Margin Available means your opening balance for the day. e.g If you sell some stocks then the amount that will be released by selling of stocks will not be added in Cash Margin Available column but it will be seen in Net Available column.

CNC Sell Credit % Column is the % of credit that you will be given against your CNC stock selling.
Ex. If you sell Equity holdings of Rs. 1000 & CNC Sell Credit % is 50% then you will be allowed to buy Stocks for Rs. 500.

We provide 100% CNC Sell Credit % @ Trade Smart Online.


Well-Known Member
Hello lvgandhi,
From your email to our support desk it seems it is working now and you are still facing issues with changing user preferences.

Are you sure you are running it as an administrator? The user settings issue sounds like the program is unable to modify the user settings file.
I have written to support as below
When it is installed in drives like D: ie other than C: drive, it need not be run as admin. I don't know the reasons. I have installed it in D:\\Program Files\Omnesys\Nest3\. Now it works.
Still I have problems with user settings. When I change usersettings like product type, order type etc, they are not reflected when I place order. Still I get default NRML and Limit order only.
Their answer was
This is with reference to your email,Kindly Install Nest Trader in C drive.
To avoid admin previleges which is not a good practice, I install programs like these in D: drive. I had nest also from other broker and installed in D: drive. It worked ok as below which is not happening with your nest.
a) login automatically logins to nestplus.
b) automatic quick login option and launching nestplus option shown after 2A authentication
c) All user settings done in nest saved and worked.

Your software support needs improvement. Kindly look into that. Blunt answers as given by them is useless and shows their quality of support.


Well-Known Member

Of late, there have been instances where the brokers are sharing the crucial information of their clients with third parties which are not legal enforcing bodies. The information shared by them includes registered mobile numbers, email IDs, bank a/c numbers, Demat a/cs, cash margins in the trading a/c, open positions in the trading a/cs.

Needless to say, how crucial this information which is supposed to be kept very confidential by the brokers.

My question is - how safe my information would be in your hands if I opt to open trading account with you?
I have written to support as below
When it is installed in drives like D: ie other than C: drive, it need not be run as admin. I don't know the reasons. I have installed it in D:\\Program Files\Omnesys\Nest3\. Now it works.
Still I have problems with user settings. When I change usersettings like product type, order type etc, they are not reflected when I place order. Still I get default NRML and Limit order only.
Their answer was
This is with reference to your email,Kindly Install Nest Trader in C drive.
To avoid admin previleges which is not a good practice, I install programs like these in D: drive. I had nest also from other broker and installed in D: drive. It worked ok as below which is not happening with your nest.
a) login automatically logins to nestplus.
b) automatic quick login option and launching nestplus option shown after 2A authentication
c) All user settings done in nest saved and worked.

Your software support needs improvement. Kindly look into that. Blunt answers as given by them is useless and shows their quality of support.
Sorry you felt this way. The intention was not to shrug responsibilities but probably the executive was inundated with a number of emails after a long weekend so wrote a short reply :( We'll discuss this internally.

We are not sure if installing it in D drive would help. Kindly share the relevant website url where it states the same.

In case you are still facing issues, we'd request you to please give us your pc on remote and we'll look into it.

Of late, there have been instances where the brokers are sharing the crucial information of their clients with third parties which are not legal enforcing bodies. The information shared by them includes registered mobile numbers, email IDs, bank a/c numbers, Demat a/cs, cash margins in the trading a/c, open positions in the trading a/cs.

Needless to say, how crucial this information which is supposed to be kept very confidential by the brokers.

My question is - how safe my information would be in your hands if I opt to open trading account with you?
Hello suri112000,
We do not share information of our clients with anyone who is not supposed to have access to the same. It would not be in our interest either. :)