Trade Smart Online


Well-Known Member
Sorry you felt this way. The intention was not to shrug responsibilities but probably the executive was inundated with a number of emails after a long weekend so wrote a short reply :( We'll discuss this internally.

We are not sure if installing it in D drive would help. Kindly share the relevant website url where it states the same.

In case you are still facing issues, we'd request you to please give us your pc on remote and we'll look into it.
Today also I received a one line reply stating "for smooth functioning, you should install nest in C: drive". No reasons.
I can not give url, but you can check from web that folder c:\program files is write-protected for user. When I started using nest from other broker and need of RTD, this problem was solved by installing these programs in D: drive. Proof is in work.
Still problems b and c, in my previous post remains. Problem in a) was overcome by manual editing of usersettings.ini.
Today also I received a one line reply stating "for smooth functioning, you should install nest in C: drive". No reasons.
I can not give url, but you can check from web that folder c:\program files is write-protected for user. When I started using nest from other broker and need of RTD, this problem was solved by installing these programs in D: drive. Proof is in work.
Still problems b and c, in my previous post remains. Problem in a) was overcome by manual editing of usersettings.ini.
Request you to please give us your pc on remote and we'll look into the same.


Well-Known Member
Request you to please give us your pc on remote and we'll look into the same.
I do not give my laptop to anyone on remote as a policy. So far your support has not instilled a confidence in me. I have worked with out admin previleges in nest from other broker and did whatever I have asked for.
As I said in my previous posts, what automatically happens like auto login selection, quick login selection has not appeared in dialog after 2A confirmation. This has nothing to do with admin rights.
Second saving user settings in usersettings.ini does not happen.
In stead of blunt politicians like answer, clear steps are needed from your steps.
Then I will check and report. I am using PC for last 28 years starting from DOS programming. I hope this is enough.
Hello lvgandhi,

We had not heard of others facing any issue with Link to Excel and user settings not getting saved. It could be something to do with the settings on your PC. To troubleshoot the issue some things would need to be tried which are easier to do on remote. That's the reason we asked for it. However, we understand your preference to not provide your laptop on remote to anyone. In case something goes wrong, we all know how much hassle it can be to fix it.

As per the Thomson Reuters (earlier Omnesys) team, Quick login does not reconcile the order/trades placed prior to the relogin. This may cause confusion for many of the users and may lead to unintended trades. Hence it has been removed for all the brokers in the later versions.

However, for a faster login, you may still disable the scrip download at the time of login by unticking the scrip download for the individual segments and clicking on Continue. Please refer to the below image for further details. This box will come after you enter the 2FA details.



Well-Known Member
Hello lvgandhi,

We had not heard of others facing any issue with Link to Excel and user settings not getting saved. It could be something to do with the settings on your PC. To troubleshoot the issue some things would need to be tried which are easier to do on remote. That's the reason we asked for it. However, we understand your preference to not provide your laptop on remote to anyone. In case something goes wrong, we all know how much hassle it can be to fix it.

As per the Thomson Reuters (earlier Omnesys) team, Quick login does not reconcile the order/trades placed prior to the relogin. This may cause confusion for many of the users and may lead to unintended trades. Hence it has been removed for all the brokers in the later versions.

However, for a faster login, you may still disable the scrip download at the time of login by unticking the scrip download for the individual segments and clicking on Continue. Please refer to the below image for further details. This box will come after you enter the 2FA details.

Thanks for the detailed response.
The dialog box you have shown has only first item as I have only NFO segment. Ok as you said quick login has been removed. But I feel if the option to do not to do quick login can be lest to user. If necessary default option can be not to quick login.
Further the same dialog also contained option for nestplus auto starting during login. This option when selected it used same login id of nest trader and nest plus was started. Here in your case, this does not happen. I need to use old login id and password of NOW for loging into nestplus as the cell number is linked to old id. Once I start using nest trader, your support should have taken up with omnesys to diable NOW id and data like cell number associated with that id. Then I can get login data for nestplus while using nest trader. Even this was not required as option in the dialog shown by you, started nestplus in other brokers nest trader.
margin Exposure(futures):-if
I have execute an order with MIS
then only i will get 50% exposure if its NRML then
it requires 100%
if i carry forward position to next day ( has too be
changed NRML to carry) 100%. Next day morning
after market opens still margin is 100% or i cant
convert this overnight position to MIS. so that you are
giving exposure Futures 50% on positions from
day 2 onwards .
margin Exposure(futures):-if
I have execute an order with MIS
then only i will get 50% exposure if its NRML then
it requires 100%
if i carry forward position to next day ( has too be
changed NRML to carry) 100%. Next day morning
after market opens still margin is 100% or i cant
convert this overnight position to MIS. so that you are
giving exposure Futures 50% on positions from
day 2 onwards .
What are you trying to convey?
Thanks for the detailed response.
The dialog box you have shown has only first item as I have only NFO segment. Ok as you said quick login has been removed. But I feel if the option to do not to do quick login can be lest to user. If necessary default option can be not to quick login.
Further the same dialog also contained option for nestplus auto starting during login. This option when selected it used same login id of nest trader and nest plus was started. Here in your case, this does not happen. I need to use old login id and password of NOW for loging into nestplus as the cell number is linked to old id. Once I start using nest trader, your support should have taken up with omnesys to diable NOW id and data like cell number associated with that id. Then I can get login data for nestplus while using nest trader. Even this was not required as option in the dialog shown by you, started nestplus in other brokers nest trader.
We had the same thought about quick login and we shared the same with Reuters team too. However, their point is also valid that if the trades are not reconciled, it may lead to financial loss. So on one hand there's some inconvenience and on other chances of financial loss. Moreover, by using the screen we mentioned in our previous post, the login can still be done fast without the need to download the scrips again. But we completely agree, this needs to be more intuitive.

For NEST Plus, you can use the same userid and password that you were using earlier with NEST too. For NEST Plus, the registration needs to be done with Thomson Reuters (earlier Omnesys) and is completely managed and controlled by them. We are already discussing with them if something can be done in this area. For now, you can still use your old NEST Plus id with NEST too.