Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max


Master trust brokers have a application called mastertrader for their clients to do automatic trading. Also thy provide support with the GFDL-Nest plugin and help to automate strategies. Do you also have programmers to support your clients in this manner?

Cover Orders are only for option selling. Span + Exposure is charged on Option Selling but for option buying it's only premium amount (which is pretty small compared to Span + Exposure). There is no separate margin levied on a SL order.

So if you bought an 6000CE Option on Nifty, the price is around Rs. 200. One lot is Rs. 200 * 50 = Rs. 10000. An SL-M won't take up any margin so you'd be charged Rs. 10000.

Conversely, if you sold 6000CE Nifty Option, the Span + Exposure margin comes close to Rs. 28,000. The SL-M order normally wouldn't help you -- but with cover orders, the margin requirement comes down quite a bit.

SL range is 20% for option selling. Range for Rs. 20 option is up to Rs. 24.

Hope that helps.
Using the same example, how much would be the margin required using cover order and how much using the regular sell MIS order ?
1) Regular MIS - Rs. 28,000 * 50% = Rs. 14,000. (2X leverage)

2) Cover Order - Rs. 7,905. Logic is explained in this blog post:
Which platform ? I had earlier assumed that it was NOW so didn't ask.

Master trust brokers have a application called mastertrader for their clients to do automatic trading. Also thy provide support with the GFDL-Nest plugin and help to automate strategies. Do you also have programmers to support your clients in this manner?

Hey purusharth,

Nope, not yet.