Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max


I have not received any email of the type. Is this just for today or for some time?

I have some spread trades(even the exchange doesn't ask for additional margin on these, is this fine or will this be a problem as well?

Better yet I am sending a PM to you, can you ask someone from RMS to give me a call?

We'll have someone call you right away.
hi rksv,

any open position under MIS will squareoff by your RMS team after 3.15pm automatically. this is chargeable under call&trade charges,??

pls clarify..

for past one month i open position under MIS in morning...some position will squareoff after 3.15pm.. that time i cannot charged under call&trade charges.

but on 15-05-2014.. one position squareoff by after 3.15pm.. and charged under call&trade charges.

i sent mail to [email protected]

they replied :-

"Since it was a Bracket Order
> (Intraday) it was squared off by RMS hence Call & Trade were charged for
> this. As you are aware in case you have a open position in MIS and if it is
> squared by RMS then you will be charged the Call and Trade charges. Bracket
> order square off works in same manner. In case of any further queries,
> please feel free to contact us."

any open position in MIS, CO, BO squareoff after 3.15 will be charged under call&trade charges ??

pls clarify.

Sorry there was a bug in the system. You should not get charged for MIS square off. We'll get it fixed and correct your ledger. We will also call you after market hours and get it fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.



Well-Known Member
Hey neo,

We increased margins today by 1.5X. That's higher than what we normally charge. We sent messages yesterday and today on this. Because there's expected to be a lot of volatility today, it's a special case.

Do watch your positions today closely. It's difficult to tell which direction the markets are headed and by how much they'll move.
@ RKSV ,

On the election outcome day my NEST TRADER from you did not perform satisfactorily. There were lot of not responding instances , I was unable to even keep a count of them. Broadcast was dropping almost every 5 minutes.

Same time I was using NOW from another broker and that was working smooth as butter . So there was no confusion of my Internet not working well.

I was really pissed off working that way on Nest Trader.
@ RKSV ,

On the election outcome day my NEST TRADER from you did not perform satisfactorily. There were lot of not responding instances , I was unable to even keep a count of them. Broadcast was dropping almost every 5 minutes.

Same time I was using NOW from another broker and that was working smooth as butter . So there was no confusion of my Internet not working well.

I was really pissed off working that way on Nest Trader.
Hey Leonid

Had similar problems(couldn't log in) called tech support and was helped by suggesting for immediate resolve better to get onto the web-based version. After some time and looking at the market on the web based NEST, I tried again and un-checked the download NFO scrips. It worked perfectly after that.

That said I only needed the USD/INR, MCX feed so may be it wouldn't work for you if you needed NIFTY et al.


I joined RKSV just now. Have few issues. As usual the nest Launcher.exe is not working inside office. Also the Trade Express is not working. Whenever I click on the same it says "Latest version of JAVA is not installed". I've already installed the latest version and still the error persists.

URGENT intervention required.
