Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

Any plans of starting "RKSV 60 or 90 days challenge " where you can refund brokerage paid for 2/3 months if the account is in the money after paying brokerage and all other levies ? You can even refund the transaction charges paid along with the the brokerage.You can comeout with totally different challenge too if you like.

May be you can think of giving algo trading to retail traders with predefined logic and help them in implementing these algos.

Kindly think on these lines.

Hey Smart_trade,

No thoughts on that front yet. The thinking on our side is that low cost brokerage has come out in full force and, in a sense, reached the mass market. We will push out promotions here and there but we think the next forefront is going to be in technology. Providing discount brokerage has now gone mainstream as we see more and more brokers undercutting prices by 5-10% to gain customers.

The next step will be to see if they can continue providing good service and great technology. Brokers who have experience will realize the problems with software and that they have to invest more money in technology to avoid major disruptions and losses (broking isn't risk free :().

That's where our focus lies and what we are trying to capture in the coming year.

As for refunding government charges in a challenge... I don't think the government will accept a broker's challenge and refund the money back to him :cool:
how about this challenge, it will be of real help for retail traders - "Compensate the loss including brokerage if u make a loss in 60 days" This will encourage Indians to participate in Trading. :)


Well-Known Member
Quite agree with you here. Traders should focus in getting the right fill, rather than just brokerage. One good entry/exit can pay brokerage for the full month, not counting the profit for the trade.

Also, there are additional factors that are more important than consideration for brokerage - continuity of trading (no stall/freeze/downtime/tech. glitches)quickness of placing/execution the order, adequate exposure to margin etc.

Having market order helps (knowing when to use it) ; ) I keep stressing this aspect everytime.

Traditional brokerage houses will give way for traders or one dealing with high volume business. I remember one future lot traded with a premier brokerage (intraday buy and sell) that costed me over 1,800 rupees. The reason given for the same was absurd - brokerage based on the lot size, not value.

Meanwhile looking fw. to the new software from you folks along with good service and technology as well. One bit that I must add : While evaluating the risk side of business, which is necessary, don't forget the customer's interest, who are the reason for your business in the first place.

Hey Smart_trade,

No thoughts on that front yet. The thinking on our side is that low cost brokerage has come out in full force and, in a sense, reached the mass market. We will push out promotions here and there but we think the next forefront is going to be in technology. Providing discount brokerage has now gone mainstream as we see more and more brokers undercutting prices by 5-10% to gain customers.

The next step will be to see if they can continue providing good service and great technology. Brokers who have experience will realize the problems with software and that they have to invest more money in technology to avoid major disruptions and losses (broking isn't risk free :().

That's where our focus lies and what we are trying to capture in the coming year.

As for refunding government charges in a challenge... I don't think the government will accept a broker's challenge and refund the money back to him :cool:


Well-Known Member
how about this challenge, it will be of real help for retail traders - "Compensate the loss including brokerage if u make a loss in 60 days" This will encourage Indians to participate in Trading. :)
thats a bad thinking to encourage the traders by allowing to take losses so that they can get it refunded whats the use of markets then winner will win loser will get the losing amt back. :mad:


Well-Known Member
how can i enable SL-MARKET order in order type, only SL and LIMIT order types are available.
how can i enable SL-MARKET order in order type, only SL and LIMIT order types are available.
Same reason as regular market orders.

Just set an SL-Limit with a wide price and it will act just like an SL-M.

In the case of SL-L and SL-M, since you probably don't want to execute the SL right away, it won't make much difference on picking between SL-L and SL-M as long as you put in wide prices.

In the Dream Plan what will be the scenario for 2 Legged Order ?

Eg. I Buy 1 Lot Call & 1 Lot Put simultaneously in the 2 legged order, so will it be considered as 1 order or 2 orders ?

Also in 2 Legged Order Placement , Market Order for buying Options is available or not ?



Well-Known Member

In the Dream Plan what will be the scenario for 2 Legged Order ?

Eg. I Buy 1 Lot Call & 1 Lot Put simultaneously in the 2 legged order, so will it be considered as 1 order or 2 orders ?

Also in 2 Legged Order Placement , Market Order for buying Options is available or not ?

1. It will be considered as 1 order. So you will be charged Rs. 25/-

2. Market order not available.
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