Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

thanx for ur prompt reply
dont u think this band of 3% is way too much ..and it is just against the very concept of margin intra day trading..i hope they get executed immediately ..
will u gonna support this feature in near future?
pls do add this feature ..its a big drawback in nearly perfect service
Hey ashish,

You can increase the 3% band as much as you like on your limit orders :). Was just using it as an example but in reality depends on how strict/open you want to be with your spreads. The price band just helps us block the appropriate margin.

We are working on fixing this issue within the coming months. Appreciate your suggestions on making us better :).

Happy trading!


Active Member
Its cumbersome for entry/exit in fast moving markets. No market order is only reason, I do not use your platform.

Hey ashish,

1) Basically when entering a limit order, if you are seeing a price of 700, enter 720 or so for a buy and 680 for a sell. By giving a good price band (around 3%) on liquid stocks, it should execute like a market order. Order will be executed immediately.

2) Stop loss is there in our software. There is no target feature on NSE NOW.

Let us know if we can help you with anything else!
Yeah.. :( free software has its limitations. We are migrating to another software in a few months and also working on our own set of tools for clients.
aer you migrating software for web based also or only for NOW, in between you are telling about this migration from many months. When exactly can this happen ????????:confused:

i am opening a new account with you

please i have a question

will you please like to share what is your
client network till now? (clients with active account till now)