Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

Hopefully we were quick enough.. I believe you got a call back. Let us know if you have any more questions.
Yes, got the call back. Everything clarified. Thanks.

A few more questions:

1- Is algo or automated trading possible in MCX or CDS?

2- If yes, please guide us a little with regard to setting things up.

Yes, got the call back. Everything clarified. Thanks.

A few more questions:

1- Is algo or automated trading possible in MCX or CDS?

2- If yes, please guide us a little with regard to setting things up.

Hi neo1599,

We don't offer algo trading in either segment. "Zero touch" algo trading requires explicit approval from any Indian exchange even for an individual investor.

I am getting the following errors while trying to place order using Trade Xpress and can not place orders.

"Coming in getServletconnection -------->NESTGetMrvTickCktLimit
ul -------->
connection path ------------>
Exception in sendVectorgetString------------> Not in GZIP format
Exception in getCktLimitjava.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 >= 0

"ul -------->
connection path ------------>
Exception in sendVectorgetString------------> invalid stored block lengths
Exception in getCktLimitjava.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 >= 0

Kindly resolve these issues.
Last edited:
May be other clients are using Nest Trader.

I tried with Chrome and Firefox. I am getting the same errors. Not always, but, 1 in 3 times.

I believe, It is everything to do with compressing of data in the network. It can be solved by turning off the compression.
May be other clients are using Nest Trader.

I tried with Chrome and Firefox. I am getting the same errors. Not always, but, 1 in 3 times.

I believe, It is everything to do with compressing of data in the network. It can be solved by turning off the compression.
Hi fullyaddicted,

Yeah it looks like a web problem, I can see that. Just to confirm this is for NEST online right? (

It's not NOW online, correct?

If it's NEST, just confirm so -- we will take it up with the vendor and mention the compression problems. If it's NOW, getting it fixed may be out of our control since it lies with the NSE -- I'd recommend switching over to NEST.