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With the Chrome version 30.0.1599.69 m, after clearing all the caches and history - Got same error.

With the Firefox v24.0, clearing all the caches - got same error.

I am using Java 6u25.
Just Tried with Java 7u40 - Got the Same error.

Now, I can say for sure that the problem lies on your side and not on the client side.

Turning off the compression will solve this issue permanently.
Just Tried with Java 7u40 - Got the Same error.

Now, I can say for sure that the problem lies on your side and not on the client side.

Turning off the compression will solve this issue permanently.
Really odd. Will ask the developers about it. I'm not sure if it's that easy to turn off compression and have the server/client side code understand it properly. But will look into it.

Send in a request to add new bank account(form and canceled cheque, couriered). Will I get a confirmation mail? Else how to check whether it has been added to account?


Send in a request to add new bank account(form and canceled cheque, couriered). Will I get a confirmation mail? Else how to check whether it has been added to account?

Hi neo,

We send confirmation emails when we receive any such account modification forms from your end. Probably we didn't receive it yet (let us know if it has been a while since you sent it).