VPS Share - Good broker... Better plans... Best pricing...

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Well-Known Member
I would like to request VPS to start "LIVE CHAT" through CHAT SERVER on their website during trading hours, and MAX CAP should be reduced to Rs. 999 /Month for EQUITY/Commodity/Currency, this will give tough times to all DISCOUNT BROKERS.
1) Agreed on both points, but the traderji thread is now acting like a live chat with some delay.
2) making the max cap plan more attractive will put VPS in a very sound position and help to get the retail customer to trade hassle free.
3) Also an integrated trading platform is required
where is my account balance information only trade day credit being shown............:annoyed:

You did transfer today using NOW Online. Your cash margin will be uploaded toady at EOD. As of now it will show under Svl >RMS Limit> View Limit> under Pay In it will be seen. You may have to scroll to the right to see Pay In column Head.

Support will get in touch with you on this.

best wishes,

Team VPS
1) Agreed on both points, but the traderji thread is now acting like a live chat with some delay.
2) making the max cap plan more attractive will put VPS in a very sound position and help to get the retail customer to trade hassle free.
3) Also an integrated trading platform is required

Suggestion taken on Live Chat, pricing of our product has been done after lot of thought and we offer value for all kind of traders. Integrated platform is still sometime away.

best wishes,

Team VPS

1. Is 'link to excel' possible from both your NOW and Commodities terminal?
2. How many days of data is there in commodities terminal?
3. Is real time chart available on Commodities terminal?

Link to excel is available in both NOW and ODIN. ODIN does provide real time chart. Intra day chart of only one day is available as of now.

best wishes,

Team VPS


Well-Known Member
please please improve your bo interface,rather than using jsp use other techno many query result is unhandled .............we don't need a space ship type interface a simple will do but should be well organised..............;););)


Well-Known Member

You did transfer today using NOW Online. Your cash margin will be uploaded toady at EOD. As of now it will show under Svl >RMS Limit> View Limit> under Pay In it will be seen. You may have to scroll to the right to see Pay In column Head.

Support will get in touch with you on this.

best wishes,

Team VPS
got the bal info thanks


Well-Known Member
If i sum up result of my individual trade using calculator facilitated by you and the amount i received their is difference of 0.82 paise


Well-Known Member

1) Do you allow deep ITM option writing? For example selling nifty 5000 calls at 800 as of now
2) With the premium (800*50=40000) do you allow to write more options?

One of the clients with another broker did the same, but the broker cut some of hs position midway after allowing him initially to have a position, so wanted to ask you your stand on this issue
Dear Traderite,

We agree with your point of view. Reason why SEBI directed NSE to terminate Mini Nifty was to safeguard retail investor/trader who had no knowledge of derivatives. Mini nifty was introduced for small traders but unfortunately this instrument was used by RM/dealers to generate volume in accounts with smaller margin and there were instances where small investors lost money, hence to safeguard small trader/investor SEBI thought it correct to terminate this instrument. However, we will certainly project your view to the concerned authorities.

best wishes,

Team VPS
Thanks for your kind words VPS . :clapping:
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