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Re: Your Thought On Stock Market ...........

Stock Market is the only opportunity for honest people to make money; otherwise, it is next to impossible to make money with keeping your morals and values intact. Personally, I am very much comfortable with all moves of stock market whether they are manipulated or original, coz every time I have been able to judge the next movement of the market during the past 5 or so years of trading.


Well-Known Member
Re: Your Thought On Stock Market ...........

Stock Market is the only opportunity for honest people to make money; otherwise, it is next to impossible to make money with keeping your morals and values intact. Personally, I am very much comfortable with all moves of stock market whether they are manipulated or original, coz every time I have been able to judge the next movement of the market during the past 5 or so years of trading.
HEAR HEAR , Well said sir.:clap:


Active Member
2nd April Over Confident Shorting Of Reliance Power Stock Slapped Me Across The Face

Dear Friends

It was 2nd April Thursday 2009's trading session Nifty Up 130 points and Reliance power at Rs108.50 ....

I was too negative on share market , seeing Nifty up by at 130 points ,I even did not feel the need to see the charts of Reliance power and went on and shorted Reliance Power at Rs 108.50 ...........I was very sure share market will atleast dip 30 points down on Nifty (if not more )being on 5 month high range ..........

Later I found that I am trapped markets are not in mood to backtrack .....but my confidence was not shook at 3:59:23 PM I brought back Reliance Power at higher price 111 refusing to buy back the same at Rs 108.25 earlier ..........

I spent 5 hours(time energy money) to earn a loss just since I was overconfident of markets to fall by atleast 30 points that never happened ...........

I learnt that markets always move in surprising directions and nowhere else ,share market operators has tendencey to move market against news flows and expectations to trap retailers ..........

At 3:30 PM I was thinking when most of long position holders would have made good money why GOD made me to be negative on markets to earn a loss why GOD did not make me positive on markets ????? I hope someone from you would answer my this question ........:)

From next time I will try to have more patience and better control on my emotions ...........

Your suggestions are highly appreciated ........:confused:



Well-Known Member
Re: 2nd April Over Confident Shorting Of Reliance Power Stock Slapped Me Across The F

Just reverse the trades in market. we will earn.
but the psychology doesnt allow us to do so.

God is nowhere in between us and market as we are the decision makers to buy / sell any stock. neither god tells us not stock tells us to trade on them.
we are verymuch emotionally attached to the trade we done, so we dont cut the loosing position and pray god that to take market to our direction of trade so that we will end up in profit.
thinking praying to god also doenst make sense, as when ur praying god to take mkt to ur trade direction, at the same time there may be many other traders who may have done reverse to ur trade and they are also praying god.
So there no logic between ur trade, market and god.
you are the only one who had done everything, so depending on ur decision u will get rewards.


Active Member
Re: 2nd April Over Confident Shorting Of Reliance Power Stock Slapped Me Across The F

Just reverse the trades in market. we will earn.
but the psychology doesnt allow us to do so.

God is nowhere in between us and market as we are the decision makers to buy / sell any stock. neither god tells us not stock tells us to trade on them.
we are verymuch emotionally attached to the trade we done, so we dont cut the loosing position and pray god that to take market to our direction of trade so that we will end up in profit.
thinking praying to god also doenst make sense, as when ur praying god to take mkt to ur trade direction, at the same time there may be many other traders who may have done reverse to ur trade and they are also praying god.
So there no logic between ur trade, market and god.
you are the only one who had done everything, so depending on ur decision u will get rewards.
Yes I do agree with you to some extent , but still I believe in the adge that " we are puppets in the hands of GOD "

So my question still remained unanswered why GOD did not make me posistive in last trading session ........

Anyways yes your reply seems more practical .......but I am a GOD driven soul which feels sad once something unexpected happen I did put the question to other souls of GOD here to get some reply why GOD did that any way proably I was not well equipped and not emotionally strong last time .........I will try to have better control on my emotions next time ........

I felt as if GOD marked my actions/paper as failed and I booked the loss........

I will better arm myself next time before sitting in share markets...............

Thanks for your reply ...........



Well-Known Member
Re: 2nd April Over Confident Shorting Of Reliance Power Stock Slapped Me Across The F

Its very easy to say GOD didnt help me. GOD didnt gave me signal.

What if u have made profit, i m sure you would have not told GOD saved me.

Be practical.

The FII, DII, traders do not pray to GOD.

They even dont go to temples, mosque.

They try to play with emotions.

I have also got traped many times and too think that GOD didnt help me.

But this is not true.

FII, Traders, all big money holders spent their money in Alcohol, Dance Bars, etc, etc.

As per ethics, they should be punished. But they aren't. They are infact gifted with more and more wealth.

Because they are practical. They take trading as profession. Their bread and butter.

Follow some of the best system descired in this thread.

Try 2652 Theory of trading
Try Pivot Based Trading
Try Camarilla Based Trading.
Trade with proper technicals and calculations.


Well-Known Member
Re: 2nd April Over Confident Shorting Of Reliance Power Stock Slapped Me Across The F

Hello Dear Ganesh,

Listen A Story:

Once upon a time there was Spiritual Master who Taught His Students that "In Every Being in the Universe there is a Narayana(God)." Once a while one of His Student went to Jungle for some work. While coming back he heard some noise, soon he recognized that one feverish elephant is running towards him. All the People around and Mahuta were Shouting at him to Get Out of the Way. But Student said "NO, My Master told Me that in Every Being there is a Narayana so there is a Narayana in Elephant, I will Pray Him to Stop/Change His Way." But Elephant didn't stopped and Student get Badly Hurt. When People bring Him back to Ashrama, He told whole story to Master and asked him, "Why It didn't Worked?"

Master Smiled at Him and told, " Yes, there is Narayana in Elephant So Too in the Mahuta and All People Around. When All Those Narayana were Shouting at You, Why didn't You Listen Them?"

Thanks. :)

Yes I do agree with you to some extent , but still I believe in the adge that " we are puppets in the hands of GOD "

So my question still remained unanswered why GOD did not make me posistive in last trading session ........

Anyways yes your reply seems more practical .......but I am a GOD driven soul which feels sad once something unexpected happen I did put the question to other souls of GOD here to get some reply why GOD did that any way proably I was not well equipped and not emotionally strong last time .........I will try to have better control on my emotions next time ........

I felt as if GOD marked my actions/paper as failed and I booked the loss........

I will better arm myself next time before sitting in share markets...............

Thanks for your reply ...........

Re: 2nd April Over Confident Shorting Of Reliance Power Stock Slapped Me Across The F

dear ganesh

you are correct going short on 2nd april

but the script you have selected was

wrong . on a freenzy buying day always be

seletive on going short. on 2nd april i

went short on BHEL and made money

after they showed poor provisional q4 result

I went short on DCB and made money and

I expected kotak bank to be weak but

hesitated to go short on it because on that script

buyers outnumbered sellers. so i didnot short that


you lamenated for being a bear. you are wrong

bears are always sensible people ,and they always

weigh pros and cons . they always question a script which had

a heady runup in its price. bears question it buy going

short on those scripts. It is always bulls who are

majority but not sensible. thay simply act with sheep-like mentality.

bulls are speculators. bears are happy with reasoning.




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