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Well-Known Member
Re: Why stock of Say Rs 100 is Recommended for short below 90 and brought above Rs11

Todays market must have given a few 'harsh' lessons that fellow members are trying to put in words here!!!!
Pray you heed to the markets 'rap on the knuckles' of those who think every down turn is a just a pull back to go further up!!!
People had become complacent since market moved up after every decline almost every time since Mid March.
My feeling is that such a move (since Mid March) in market makes many of us think to Buy on declines and Ganesh is no exception.
Pray all is fine with him!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Does It Happen With You Also .............

If you are following speculative trading strategy then...

1) Always buy at Bounce Back with volume from Strong Support (or bit riskier sell at breaking of such support with high volumes) and Sell at Bounce back with volume from strong resistance (or bit riskier Buy at breaking of such Resistance with high volumes) (Support/Resistance should be legitimate and 4-6 weeks old only not more then that in present market scenario)...look at Chart and derive support and resistances... do not never ever buy/sell in between support/resistances prices if you are speculative not buy scrips if you think it is cheaper now without knowing if it has a support at that level and vice versa for selling it....otherwise follow the trend trending...

- Adjust your SL if bounce back or break outs are negated with same cumulative volumes.

2) Look out for opportunities.....train your mind to understand that not every second of everyday you can trade any stock just because your mind thinks have to have a solid opportunity for trading..just 50% chance of winning is actually loosing and no better then tossing a gambling do not gamble...I repeat..Look out for opportunities..there are 100s of opportunities there in the market..find it out do some real fruitfull hard work..!!

3) Write down Targets and Stop Losses (you can use Camarilla, Floor pivots, Fibonnaci numbers or Average True Price to do it and learn this concepts)

3) Do not over trade (trade one or two lots only) - after calculating Stop Loss..calculate how much you can loose in worst case scenario (that is difference between your Buying/Selling prices Vs Stop Loss)....never ever allow your mind to loose beyond your SL...dont higher or lower your SLs and do not hold the positions in Hope...if it may not go your way you may loose the entire account...

5) Have one can earn money in Share Market very next minutes...dont jump out of the ship because there is a little storm...unless it is a big storm and your wise SL is in the ship..but have rightful SL and hold it close to your mind...

6) Win against..

  • GREED (when your targets are achieved you still want to hold the position little more time thinking I will get more profit);
  • FEAR (you have done your home work with ENRTY/EXIT levels but you do not enter the position at right time and even when yous SL is not hit you think now it's gone case let me square off and save few )
  • DOUBT (is it really going to go my way or it seems it is going against me let me square off now so that i do not incur more losses)
  • HOPE (when your SL is hit or target is hit you are still in trade or vice versa)

Ultimately Market (read Market Operators) plays with our intelligence..more we think it should be like this..more it tricks you...the guys running the show are having 15-20 years professional experience in the keep that in mind...

Know your bettlefield as much as you can..have your weapons ready before entrying the bettlefield...train your mind to use your weapons to the perfection..and most importantly develope winning not throw your money in coing tossing gambling (that is trades with less then 50% chances..reread point no 1-6 Answers are there)! :thumb:
:clapping: :clap:
Thanks.... such writings always helps in keeping you on track and disciplined.
Re: Why stock of Say Rs 100 is Recommended for short below 90 and brought above Rs11

Todays market must have given a few 'harsh' lessons that fellow members are trying to put in words here!!!!
Pray you heed to the markets 'rap on the knuckles' of those who think every down turn is a just a pull back to go further up!!!
People had become complacent since market moved up after every decline almost every time since Mid March.
My feeling is that such a move (since Mid March) in market makes many of us think to Buy on declines and Ganesh is no exception.
Pray all is fine with him!!!
Yes today I made some money but today I brought SUzlon @60 in delivery I thought 60 would be a strong support but stock closed at 56 has raised my fears about tommorows performance of Suzlon

I made small money today as usual I m waiting for the day LOrd Krishna will make me good market expert from a small kid

Hare Krishna:)
Re: Why stock of Say Rs 100 is Recommended for short below 90 and brought above Rs11

:clap::clapping::cool: Superb ,Wonderful ,Amazing, have best abilities to explain everything ..........

wow you are really very kind like my Lord Krishna lol yes Lord Krishna is also very kind ...........

I got when price falls SL are constantly hit of buyers of stock at 100 so when price falls sellers are multiplied due to person who went long at 100 and when price goes up buyers are multiplied due to shorters SL are triggerred

I will always remember you and your reply.........thanks a lot dear... you solved my long lived problem today....

Cheers !!!!!!!!
Hare Krishna :)

Ok Ganesh..
I Will try to explain with my knowledge...
if i am wrong then just leave my comments....

1>whats support/ resistance .? in simple definition resistance /support = volume

2>Why stock price is changing frequently ? = demand : supply (at a particular time!!!).

3>in each trade one winz & one loses , trading is nothing but battle between a BIG BUYER VS BIG SELLER ) ( BIG = VOLUME) .....( price is always depends upon these big volume players...bez they can only pressure the demand: supply with there huge volume)
SO lets start the battle between BIG BUYER VS BIG SELLER
BUYER buys stock@ 100rs same time SELLER sells stock@100rs
(100 rs is just for simplification)

both having moneymanagement imagine its 10% ( again 10% is just for simplification)
SL sell of buyer = 90 rs Sl buy of seller =110 rs

Ganesh i hope u know whats SL Market order..???


SL market sell order will trigger With huge volume = CRACKING IN PRICE




Well-Known Member
Re: Why stock of Say Rs 100 is Recommended for short below 90 and brought above Rs11

Ganesh, let me tell you a story on the question you asked and is an answer to every new thread opened here asking "What happened to this share and what happened to that share?"

Long time ago, there was a king suffering from a serious illness. Many doctors, homeopathy specialist, ayurveda specialist came but it dint work out.

One day, a Saint arrived in the king's kingdom.(Not Saint who is on traderji but a literal one. :p) He said to the king "If you want to get rid of the illness of yours, you need to bathe in a pond full of milk, that too on a new moon night(the night the moon is hardly visible and it is all dark, in hindi it is amavaysa). But, remember the milk used should be fresh. It should be poured no more than 5 mins before your bath."

The king now wanted to get rid of his illness, so he announced "Anyone and everyone, putting a cup of milk for my pond will get a gold coin. But, he has pour the milk just before my bath."

Now, there was this guy called Ganesh(pun intended) , he thought, "If I put a cup of water instead of milk , no will notice. It will get dissolved and it will look the same. Plus , I can get a gold coin. :D "

So, the day of the new moon arrived and everyone gathered to put a cup of milk and get their gold coin. Once they emptied their cup they were given a gold coin.

The king bathed and went back home, happy that he was cured.

Next day,he woke up to find his illness still not cured.

Can you guess why?

Because, Ganesh underestimated something called public opinion and thinking. Was he so different to put a cup of water and get a gold coin?

Everyone has done the same thing, trying to con the king outta a coin, the pond dint have any milk, it was all water.

If you dont understand in one go , read it again, you will get it eventually.
Re: Any Idea When The Trading Timings May Increase ?

All trading members,

Stop worrying. Mulla.Singh and Omar Sing will see to it that there would be No PC. No. Stock trading. No loss. No gain.
Re: Why stock of Say Rs 100 is Recommended for short below 90 and brought above Rs11

Ganesh, let me tell you a story on the question you asked and is an answer to every new thread opened here asking "What happened to this share and what happened to that share?"

Long time ago, there was a king suffering from a serious illness. Many doctors, homeopathy specialist, ayurveda specialist came but it dint work out.

One day, a Saint arrived in the king's kingdom.(Not Saint who is on traderji but a literal one. :p) He said to the king "If you want to get rid of the illness of yours, you need to bathe in a pond full of milk, that too on a new moon night(the night the moon is hardly visible and it is all dark, in hindi it is amavaysa). But, remember the milk used should be fresh. It should be poured no more than 5 mins before your bath."

The king now wanted to get rid of his illness, so he announced "Anyone and everyone, putting a cup of milk for my pond will get a gold coin. But, he has pour the milk just before my bath."

Now, there was this guy called Ganesh(pun intended) , he thought, "If I put a cup of water instead of milk , no will notice. It will get dissolved and it will look the same. Plus , I can get a gold coin. :D "

So, the day of the new moon arrived and everyone gathered to put a cup of milk and get their gold coin. Once they emptied their cup they were given a gold coin.

The king bathed and went back home, happy that he was cured.

Next day,he woke up to find his illness still not cured.

Can you guess why?

Because, Ganesh underestimated something called public opinion and thinking. Was he so different to put a cup of water and get a gold coin?

Everyone has done the same thing, trying to con the king outta a coin, the pond dint have any milk, it was all water.

If you dont understand in one go , read it again, you will get it eventually.
Dear Vicky

Let us not forget that this is a forum to discuss interesting things related to equity markets .

Let me narrate you a short story about how teachers attend students query

A student asked his query to Teacher A and Teacher B

Stuedent To Teacher A : SIr I have this problem please assist finding solution

Tecaher A Replies : Dear student wow great you come up with a doubt and this is the solution and student happily got his problem solved

Student asked another question to Teacher B

Student To Teacher B : SIr I have this problem please assist finding solution
Teacher B Replies :See those who asks problem actually they themselves are problem so better dont ask your problems it will save time of all but still let me tell you that you are the cause of your problem lol

So dear VIcky read reply of Kindman just above your post and read your reply as well ......

Its like you both are like Teacher A and Teacher B for me and as student I asked both a query but both teacher took different approach .....

For student for are equal but one teacher helped with his problem other left him in delimma

Think with your reply are you Teacher A or Teacher B and read reply of Kindman and think for Kindman if he is like Teacher A or Teacher B

If you can not understand in one go read it again and you will get it surely .....:)

Hare Krishna


Well-Known Member
Re: Why stock of Say Rs 100 is Recommended for short below 90 and brought above Rs11

Dear Ganesh

That story is a jest. If you dont like it, I will remove it.

Seems like your memory is short. Refresh it by reading the post here.

I and theonedevil were the two ppl supporting you even after everyone started Mission Bash Ganesh on the very first page of your thread.

But then , even if I am Teacher B, I would love it. You know why? Read the answer of the Teacher B.

Removing all my posts to this thread and I hope even in this forum I dont run into you.
Dear Vicky

Let us not forget that this is a forum to discuss interesting things related to equity markets .

Let me narrate you a short story about how teachers attend students query

A student asked his query to Teacher A and Teacher B

Stuedent To Teacher A : SIr I have this problem please assist finding solution

Tecaher A Replies : Dear student wow great you come up with a doubt and this is the solution and student happily got his problem solved

Student asked another question to Teacher B

Student To Teacher B : SIr I have this problem please assist finding solution
Teacher B Replies :See those who asks problem actually they themselves are problem so better dont ask your problems it will save time of all but still let me tell you that you are the cause of your problem lol

So dear VIcky read reply of Kindman just above your post and read your reply as well ......

Its like you both are like Teacher A and Teacher B for me and as student I asked both a query but both teacher took different approach .....

For student for are equal but one teacher helped with his problem other left him in delimma

Think with your reply are you Teacher A or Teacher B and read reply of Kindman and think for Kindman if he is like Teacher A or Teacher B

If you can not understand in one go read it again and you will get it surely .....:)

Hare Krishna
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