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Well-Known Member
I have spent last one hour logging into Nest...
Pi chart started freezing and I am trying to log in to nest for nearly one hour now....

That mrv_mwg_**** error... Logout/login hangs.... Refresh hangs and I missed nearly two huge trades....

Thanks to Nest, I am still new and I have never been able to properly improve my trading at all for nearly 4 months.... Just when I start to get to a point where I am able to build up on my mistakes, Nest refuses to be normal....
And not to mention how crappy the Nest software is, it ends up corrupting the files of the platform its running on. Windows..!! So I am running it on a laptop where restore is easier than my desktop...

And then there's Pi which was amazing for a week now and today the charts started freezing...
All together, a trading day missed is a probable income and learning missed....
Getting someone to call you Pavan, charts freezing on Pi, shouldn't happen for sure..


Well-Known Member
Hi Brill,

I think you can save market watch columns by using save workspace option in file menu, I also couldnt find option to save columns on order book, admin position
In that case we have to load it each time we login?


Well-Known Member
Getting someone to call you Pavan, charts freezing on Pi, shouldn't happen for sure..
Pavan, if you are opening the charts from the alert option, it is possible that the chart freezes, as there is a background calculation running on it.

So if you have an EMA alert set on a stock, and you are using the same chart too keep a track of the market, it can be a little slow.

So open another chart, directly from the marketwatch, and let the alert chart run in the background.
I am too facing same here
getting worse after calling them up. They said go to (some menu option Nest plus auto plugin) and press refresh, it will come.. it didn't come.

Logged out, logged in, now everywhere "request fail" error.. :mad:


Loves Coding and Trading.
for last 1 month or so, nest trader( new version) has gone very slow,
takes lot of time login, also many times "nest plus(new version 2.9 ) does not open saying :

NestPlus Error : om plus launch is failed while sending request
NestPlus Message : Global IP retrieval is failed
NestPlus Error : sending check for updates request is failed
NestPlus Error : prelogin request is failed while sending request
NestPlus Message : dd tplant sin1z Broadcast DD Status: Connection broken

Internet is working fine for firefox, but software shows these kind of
message, and without nest plus, charts are very poor.
Is this happening for everyone????

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