Zerodha - Number One Discount Broker in India


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No, same crappy Nest Plus.
If you use Nest Plus with now, it can starts freezing also like ZT.
[But whether you use Nest Plus or not ZT freezes without warning. :lol:]

Just like a backup Internet Connection, I have another Nse Now terminal(another broker) running along with ZT/PI, it helps me stress free trading. I can take reverse position using options with NSE NOW with less money (against Future position with ZT when it freezes ;)).
It is better to have alternate NSE NOW along with ZT (untill they have a stable platform) instead of repeatedly calling to Zerodha or complaining here and there again and again. :D

It would be best if we can register with NSE NOW and can use Pi for charting until Pi is stable & problem free.

Best Wishes & Happy Trading.

In the present scenerio, we are unable to login in to both Nest and PI at the same time.

So the question is can we login in both NOW and PI? In my opinion "we cannot", but better only Zerodha can answer that. They have kept this "One time one login" system, may be for any solid reson.

PS: Every time at the time of login PI, all the market symbols were automatically getting downloaded, inspite of checking the "quick login" option. That problem they have solved just 10 mins back. Thanks to them.


Well-Known Member

Jai Mata Di

Well-Known Member
In the present scenerio, we are unable to login in to both Nest and PI at the same time.

So the question is can we login in both NOW and PI? In my opinion "we cannot", but better only Zerodha can answer that. They have kept this "One time one login" system, may be for any solid reson.
We can't have Now and ZT/PI ID same time, so no question of log in for equity with Now & Nest/PI at the same time.
I have just requested them for so, as now a days the problem with Nest Plus as well as ZT is frequently occurring. :annoyed:

To Zerodha,

Still Pi needs time (it is still in development stage) to be a stable platform and also Zerodha's own data server needs few months to setup and running well. Now a days we are experiencing freezing/disconnection frequently with both ZT & PI. But we can't stop trading. :p
Most of us have alternate charting tools like Amibroker/Meta Stock/Meta Trader/ etc but it is of no use, if trading platform freezes suddenly/disconnection during volatile times. :eek:

One or two missed out big move surely costs us much more than that the total brokerage we saved (including refund) for whole month with Zerodha. :)
So zerodha must try to find out the freezing/disconnection problem of ZT/PI terminal first during volatile trading times.

It can't be excuse as today the problem is with BSNL connection, another day it was with Airtel/Tata connection. :p

Best Wishes & Happy Trading.

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Please enable MCX Trading on Pi as soon as possible. :annoyed: To hell with charting on Pi. This Nest Trader software of yours is totally unreliable and unstable. :( Just now i made a loss because nest trader hanged as soon as i entered short sell order on silver mcx. The short trade executed but i had to forcefully shut down nest from windows task manager and then restart it and answer all those stupid questions to login. :( Mean while my position turned into loss and I had to quickly exit the position in loss. :mad: I was worried nest might become unresponsive again anytime i wanted to exit. :mad:

Jai Mata Di

Well-Known Member
Please enable MCX Trading on Pi as soon as possible. ....
But today faced same problem with both ZT(Nest) & PI during NSE F&O trading. :confused: :lol:

I think Zerodha don't have a solution unless there own data server is up.

Don't know exactly where is the problem. But surely problem of freezing/disconnection(without any internet/PC problem from client side) intensifies after Shrikant Pandit sells Omnesys to Thomson Reuters. :annoyed:

Zerodha must solve terminal problem & setup own data server ASAP.

Happy Trading.

Please enable MCX Trading on Pi as soon as possible. :annoyed: To hell with charting on Pi. This Nest Trader software of yours is totally unreliable and unstable. :( Just now i made a loss because nest trader hanged as soon as i entered short sell order on silver mcx. The short trade executed but i had to forcefully shut down nest from windows task manager and then restart it and answer all those stupid questions to login. :( Mean while my position turned into loss and I had to quickly exit the position in loss. :mad: I was worried nest might become unresponsive again anytime i wanted to exit. :mad:
Also, I don't use nest plus/pulse Charts. Still this nest freezes daily. To add salt to injury is the fact that as i soon as i exited my short position in silver with some loss, silver went down sharply and I missed out on huge profits per lot. :mad: All because I had no confidence that zerodha nest trader will not freeze on me. :annoyed:

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