Zerodha - Number One Discount Broker in India


Well-Known Member
Dear Zerodha,
Is there any improvement of high bandwidth consumption in Final Beta Release of Pi comparing to earlier beta versions?
Very high internet bandwidth consumption (data usage) of PI was also a concern for us. Bandwidth consumption of previous Nest Plus chart was very low.
Previous beta versions of PI was downloading same data again and again (no saving of new data in data base of our HDD was done).
Is that problem solved?

Best Wishes to Team Zerodha.
Happy Trading.

Zerodha, can you confirm the point of data download each time Pi charts are loaded? Will data be stored in our HDD to lower the internet usage?
9th Jan 2015

So we are almost ready to launch the "final beta release of Pi" from monday, 12th Jan. If everything works well, we will have the final release of Pi within the next 3 weeks. For all those who have used the previous beta and given us feedback, it has taken us over 2 months to incorporate most of what you had requested for.
Bracket orders will take a little longer. Also, we presently have minute and hourly charts. End of day charts, will take few more days.
Will the final release have bracket orders or will it take longer than 2-3 weeks ?
Which broker do you really represent? Is this trolling needed? Yes, they deserve to get some backlash for last month handling but you are relentless.
How does it matter who is writing here. Why do you always assume its always him. They can have multiple people at different times including him.

Dates can lapse, i wouldnt mind if they take few more months if they can deliver something that just works with solid ordering and basic charting tools. So far they have overpromised and under-delivered sadly ...
I don't represent any broker. I am a full time trader and I trade from home. I am not trolling.. They have indeed lapsed their own deadlines as usual.. And it was supposed to be the FINAL timeline. And yes, it does matter who is replying here because its a lie. Why are you getting so worked up against me? In the last one month I have lost money on 2 occasions because of their problems.

If you remember, they had wrong positions showing in positions page which sent me into a confused and panic mode. I booked these crazy positions and guess what? I ended up becoming net short!

Another time, it was not logging in and customer support line was not being attended to. Are we supposed to feel happy and be cool? And just because I express my views doesn't mean I'm a broker. That's such a stupid accusation.. The end result of your tolerance and other people like you is this sort of shoddy service. Tolerance is good. But not when Zerodha treats its clients like cattle. I don't want to argue with you anymore.
The owner posing as an employee/ or some other junior member is not a good sign. Quoting himself from other posts and stuff.. It is funny. Why would anyone do such a thing.. Lol


Well-Known Member
I don't represent any broker. I am a full time trader and I trade from home. I am not trolling.. They have indeed lapsed their own deadlines as usual.. And it was supposed to be the FINAL timeline. And yes, it does matter who is replying here because its a lie. Why are you getting so worked up against me? In the last one month I have lost money on 2 occasions because of their problems.

If you remember, they had wrong positions showing in positions page which sent me into a confused and panic mode. I booked these crazy positions and guess what? I ended up becoming net short!

Another time, it was not logging in and customer support line was not being attended to. Are we supposed to feel happy and be cool? And just because I express my views doesn't mean I'm a broker. That's such a stupid accusation.. The end result of your tolerance and other people like you is this sort of shoddy service. Tolerance is good. But not when Zerodha treats its clients like cattle. I don't want to argue with you anymore.
Not picking on you but you are right they had major problems and handling of it was bad. In your place, i would probably atleast have another account with another broker.

But you keep posting in thread directly attacking them personally which seemed more like trolling to me as not all points are valid. You DONT know whether nitin replies every post and i would find it hard to believe that he would. Probably once in a while. And it does not matter.

Software timelines can shift, we all know they have been a bit over confident. At last state of pi, i dont think anyone would use it even for free.

In the long run though, i want them and others to finally get some decent tools here. I dont think constantly attacking them serves anything. Just highlight and press for issues. And switch to other broker if needed.

I want to give them some leeway because they seem to be well intentioned. Trading Q&A, answering (some silly) questions here, Q, Z-Connect, 60 day challenge etc are all initiatives that i like.

Still, without a stable platform they will suffer and they should already know that. If These issues continue even after server upgrades / pi etc etc and their handling of it remains same, ill probably switch too.
It helps that i have not started trading actively yet in futures, only small stuff. I really should start soon now ...


Well-Known Member
From internet: A buyer once went to a market and asked for crabs. The shopkeeper rolled up a trolley lined with dishes. Whisking off the cover of the first he said, “These are Polynesian crabs.” Whisking off the next, he said, “These crabs are the finest Hawaiian.” Lifting the cover of the third with a flourish, he announced, “These are Australian crabs.” Coming to the last uncovered dish he said, “And these are Indian crabs.” At which, the buyer said, “Why aren’t they covered like the rest?’ And the shopkeeper's answer was, “Because when one tries to climb out, the others pull him back.

This is a sad commentary on the mindset of some people.

There is a difference between
-posting a problem you are facing
-trying to constantly attacking and pulling down a company trying to do the best for retail traders.

Many users have posted their problems. This is good and will let Zerodha be aware of such things. But ever since Zerodha has announced that they are working on Pi a bunch of id's (agents of competitors) have started viciously attacking Zerodha because it was trying to do something better than what we already have.

It's entirely possible that some genuine user is totally pissed off with Zerodha due to some (valid or invalid) reason. But do you wish to destroy Zerodha because you are angry with Zerodha?

Do you want to be that crab that pulls down others?


Well-Known Member
From internet: A buyer once went to a market and asked for crabs. The shopkeeper rolled up a trolley lined with dishes. Whisking off the cover of the first he said, “These are Polynesian crabs.” Whisking off the next, he said, “These crabs are the finest Hawaiian.” Lifting the cover of the third with a flourish, he announced, “These are Australian crabs.” Coming to the last uncovered dish he said, “And these are Indian crabs.” At which, the buyer said, “Why aren’t they covered like the rest?’ And the shopkeeper's answer was, “Because when one tries to climb out, the others pull him back.

This is a sad commentary on the mindset of some people.

There is a difference between
-posting a problem you are facing
-trying to constantly attacking and pulling down a company trying to do the best for retail traders.

Many users have posted their problems. This is good and will let Zerodha be aware of such things. But ever since Zerodha has announced that they are working on Pi a bunch of id's (agents of competitors) have started viciously attacking Zerodha because it was trying to do something better than what we already have.

It's entirely possible that some genuine user is totally pissed off with Zerodha due to some (valid or invalid) reason. But do you wish to destroy Zerodha because you are angry with Zerodha?

Do you want to be that crab that pulls down others?
Excellently said brother.. can't agree more.


Well-Known Member
It's entirely possible that some genuine user is totally pissed off with Zerodha due to some (valid or invalid) reason. But do you wish to destroy Zerodha because you are angry with Zerodha?

Do you want to be that crab that pulls down others?
Certainly many incidents in last few months to give enough reason to be angry ... Lets hope they make up for it this year.
I was using mobile application since from long time. but when i upgraded my mobile os to android 5.0 lollypop, zerodha application does not work. i tried to contact support zerodha many times and got the answer that, we are updating the application and soon u can use it. But still problem is not resolved.
From internet: A buyer once went to a market and asked for crabs. The shopkeeper rolled up a trolley lined with dishes. Whisking off the cover of the first he said, “These are Polynesian crabs.” Whisking off the next, he said, “These crabs are the finest Hawaiian.” Lifting the cover of the third with a flourish, he announced, “These are Australian crabs.” Coming to the last uncovered dish he said, “And these are Indian crabs.” At which, the buyer said, “Why aren’t they covered like the rest?’ And the shopkeeper's answer was, “Because when one tries to climb out, the others pull him back.

This is a sad commentary on the mindset of some people.

There is a difference between
-posting a problem you are facing
-trying to constantly attacking and pulling down a company trying to do the best for retail traders.

Many users have posted their problems. This is good and will let Zerodha be aware of such things. But ever since Zerodha has announced that they are working on Pi a bunch of id's (agents of competitors) have started viciously attacking Zerodha because it was trying to do something better than what we already have.

It's entirely possible that some genuine user is totally pissed off with Zerodha due to some (valid or invalid) reason. But do you wish to destroy Zerodha because you are angry with Zerodha?

Do you want to be that crab that pulls down others?
I'm a user of Zerodha for past few years and i'm mostly satisfied with them. Inspite of minor grievances, i have saved many lakhs in brokerage after moving to Zerodha from my previous broker.

BTW i still use NOW and i still make money :)

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