Sorry for bringing up this again. But can you confirm this please?
The reason why I am asking is I checked my previous mails and found the following statement from Zerodha (Mr.Vinay), which is different from what is stated above regarding additional margin requirement
. Or is this a recently added feature?
>> c) Currently Zerodha is not providing profit booking order, you need to
>> monitor both the orders and cancel one order which is pending after the
>> trigger of another order.
>> To place profit booking order and stop loss order at a time you need
>> have additional margin.
Your conversation here triggered of a discussion among all the 70 members of our team and I realized a lot of them were not educated on this.
We sent an email clarifying , here is just a bit of the email to help you understand...
Just to clear out confusion on the last email I had sent here is the explanation in detail:
1. While trading intraday/delivery equity and futures(equity or commodity):
You have 28k in your trading account and margin required for trading nifty futures is 28k. You buy 1 lot, so 28k gets blocked.
You first place a stop loss order or an exit order, you don't need any extra margin for this and hopefully all of you are clear on this.
When you place the 2nd order Sl or exit, do we need extra margin or not, is the question?
Yes we need extra margin, anything over Rs 28000 to place this.. So even if you have Rs 28001 you can place, but if you have 28000 or lesser then you can't..
Not clear, will explain it in the blog again and send you the link on this.
You have 30k in your account and you buy 1 lot of nifty at 6000( margin required: Rs28000), can you place a selling limit order at 6100 and Stop loss limit at 5900? If yes how and if no why not? Is the question asked in the Hash.
The answer is yes you can. You can because you have 30k in your account, more than28k, If you had exactly 28k you wouldn't have.
@shoaib, The answer that you had written on this is wrong, You will have to correct it and resend the scores to everyone....
2. For trading options:
This won't work for options because the margin required for buying and selling options vary quite a bit. For eg to buy 5700 calls at Rs 100, you need Rs 5000 to buy , but 28k to Sell , so if you have bought a position you can place only an exit order(or SL), for the stop loss(or exit) order extra margin will be asked.
Will put this up in the stop loss blog.