BSE Intraday Downlaoder.

moneypick, coming to your issues, the new version should solve the the errors in while converting the data in ms, please download the same. and about multiple data download, maybe sometime later, till then please bear with me.



Thankyou very much for your great work for forum members.




Well-Known Member
hi folks,
the unreliability of popular intraday-data sources has led me to do a major up-gradation to the BSE Intraday Downloader.

now you can download upto 50 scripts at one go.

the data will be in ASCII Text, major softwares like Metastock, FCharts, Amibroker etc can import the same with ease.

you can download the same from the first post of this thread

Documentation in the worksheet itself.

how do I download and use BSE - END OF DAY data for *F charts SE*


1. Is there a quick way to download this EOD data down loader without a rapid share account

2. does this EOD data down loader, help in downloading BSE - EOD data as well ?

3. if NOT how do I download and use BSE - EOD data for F charts SE

4. By F charts I mean F charts SE available at

Thanks in advance
Best regards



Well-Known Member
1. Is there a quick way to download this EOD data down loader without a rapid share account
try yahoo. its the best way.

or use the nse bhavcopy to update. theres many thread regarding this JUST READ THE SAME CAREFULLY. in case of any difficulty just come over to the chat room. i and other members usually come overafter 9pm. hope we could solve your data problme.

2. does this EOD data down loader, help in downloading BSE - EOD data as well ?
i will soon release the BSE EOD ASCII text version soon. it will be FCharts compatible.

3. if NOT how do I download and use BSE - EOD data for F charts SE
the current version is also FCharts compatible only thing is you have to save the data in .CSV format.

try yahoo. its the best way.

or use the nse bhavcopy to update. theres many thread regarding this JUST READ THE SAME CAREFULLY. in case of any difficulty just come over to the chat room. i and other members usually come overafter 9pm. hope we could solve your data problem.

i will soon release the BSE EOD ASCII text version soon. it will be FCharts compatible.

the current version is also FCharts compatible only thing is you have to save the data in .CSV format.


Thanks for the info !!

You people are simply great

I have another question If you have the time

I've downloaded a BSE END OF DAY downloader from Traderji forums
the link to the forum post is

When try to download data it says ONLY 4 months end of day data is available !!

Since 4 months is very short time how do I get older End of Day data for BSE ?

thanks in adnvance
Hi folks,
thanks for the support you have shown for my worksheet BSE EOD Downlaoder.

it further inspire me to present you with the Intraday version. however one can download only the sensex data.

since i use it along with hyperserver i intentionally used the yahoo code of sensex. the main constrain of the worksheet is one cannot use it during the market hours. blame the bse'walas guys. but then great stuff to do homework.

press CNTL + SHIFT + D

data compatible with metastock. just put use of the downloader.

launched the BSE Intraday Downloader for individual scripts.

now 50 scripts can be downloaded at one go
the data is in ASCII Text. thus all major Charting software can access the data.


Quick note of thanks. Also works well on XP and Excel 2003.



Well-Known Member

Let me first congratlate the creater of this utility.This is somthing marvelous.

I have downloaded BSE Intrada downlaoder and tried the same. I have a few clarifications on this.

1. When i downloaded the data one of the column is <per> what is this.
2. Is this data fron
3. In my case only 29 txt fies were generated. What i need to do.
4. Is there anything similar available for NSE too




Well-Known Member

Let me first congratlate the creater of this utility.This is somthing marvelous.

I have downloaded BSE Intrada downlaoder and tried the same. I have a few clarifications on this.

1. When i downloaded the data one of the column is <per> what is this.
2. Is this data fron
3. In my case only 29 txt fies were generated. What i need to do.
4. Is there anything similar available for NSE too


hi rajeev,
thanks for the kind words and thanks for using BSE Intraday Downloader.

coming to the topic, per column lets metastock know the time frame of the data, whether it is intraday or daily etc. in case of intraday is it tick, 5 minute etc data.

the data is from the charting page

please verify the symbol no. 30. it must not be a valid bse script code. the downloader can download upto 50 scripts.

well theres some issue with nse which we ( i, siva etc) could not solve till date. till then have to contend with bse :)


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