job as a trader

Have you traded them Live in the market? Developing a system is something different, paper trading it is somethign different and real live tradng is something different.
Hi there,
I have tried them in the market.They work perfectly fine. Its a very simple system very easy to understand and follow. i have 2-3 kinds of systems which i have developed. One based on average . one for momentum trading based on days price and other based on previous days data. I am looking to write a scanning program for momentum based system. the momentum based system works with almost 90% accuracy. Only problem is scanning. Since its not a traditional method of analysis there is no software in market which has the scaaning criteria. The stop loss is 1/2% and sometimes 1% and profits in range of 3-5 percent. i would really appreciate if you can help me. you can also contact me at bharath013 at gmail.
hi ankit

i really want to get into a prop trading firm. i wud be thankful if u can tell abt some indian firms. my gmail id is sgarg1985. waiting for ur email.


Well-Known Member
hi ankit

i really want to get into a prop trading firm. i wud be thankful if u can tell abt some indian firms. my gmail id is sgarg1985. waiting for ur email.
I am a full time trader.plz tell your contact details , i want to taik to you in details.
thank you for this post.
contact me

if u are watching this post after 6 pm....u wudnt see my contct details
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I am in mumbai and would like to do a job as full time trader, can you please help me.


I myself work for ICICI as a Forex trader...I also know some guys who work on prop desks for trading Indian markets.

Here are some of my observations:

1) If you are a fresher, you ought to have some trading disciplines and strategies to work with. If you have neither, the payout structure would be less initially. some comapnies might train you basic trading, and then leave you out in open to trade. upon satisfactory performance, you are given raises in various forms.

2) If you have an established track record, you can find a better monthly salary plus a higher cut in the profits. The advantage of working with such a firm is that you get huge exposure limits. And if your trading style suits the company, you do make a killing.

3) its better to work for start up or new prop desks....If you are confident, this will take you a long way. However, it may suit people only with previous track record.

4) payout structure is generaly a fixed salary plus a cut in the profits that you make. usualy the profit payout is quaterly or half yearly.This helps the firm to net off your losses as much as possible. As you grow, the fixed salary and the profit cut, both increase. Also, some companies increase your trading limits. Thus, even with the same percentage returns on the capital that you wud trade, you wud make more money to your pocket.

i do know some friends in the prop desk for indian markets. i may be able to help you, if you can detail about yourself.

Happy Trading


Well-Known Member
Day trading systems

Hi Bharat,

care to share your software ? am a day trader and after 3yrs still not upto the mark.. so help me out here will you..

I have tried them in the market.They work perfectly fine. Its a very simple system very easy to understand and follow. i have 2-3 kinds of systems which i have developed. One based on average . one for momentum trading based on days price and other based on previous days data. I am looking to write a scanning program for momentum based system. the momentum based system works with almost 90% accuracy. Only problem is scanning. Since its not a traditional method of analysis there is no software in market which has the scaaning criteria. The stop loss is 1/2% and sometimes 1% and profits in range of 3-5 percent. i would really appreciate if you can help me. you can also contact me at bharath013 at gmail.
I myself work for ICICI as a Forex trader...I also know some guys who work on prop desks for trading Indian markets.

Here are some of my observations:

1) If you are a fresher, you ought to have some trading disciplines and strategies to work with. If you have neither, the payout structure would be less initially. some comapnies might train you basic trading, and then leave you out in open to trade. upon satisfactory performance, you are given raises in various forms.

2) If you have an established track record, you can find a better monthly salary plus a higher cut in the profits. The advantage of working with such a firm is that you get huge exposure limits. And if your trading style suits the company, you do make a killing.

3) its better to work for start up or new prop desks....If you are confident, this will take you a long way. However, it may suit people only with previous track record.

4) payout structure is generaly a fixed salary plus a cut in the profits that you make. usualy the profit payout is quaterly or half yearly.This helps the firm to net off your losses as much as possible. As you grow, the fixed salary and the profit cut, both increase. Also, some companies increase your trading limits. Thus, even with the same percentage returns on the capital that you wud trade, you wud make more money to your pocket.

i do know some friends in the prop desk for indian markets. i may be able to help you, if you can detail about yourself.

Happy Trading

hi ankit...i am new to trading ....currently perparing for exams for mcx n nfcm.

would like to know> does job in (dealing) helps to gain knowlegde in

technicals and fundamentals .....after gettin certificate i am planin to join

some firm for aim is to become full time trader trading

for my own this rite way to start career in tading.....or are

there any other methods wher i should start from ?

thaks to ankit from ankit:D

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